Metamask: Is there a way to call Metamask from my own Chrome extension?
Call MetaMask from Your Chrome Extension: A Step-by-Step Guide As a developer, creating your own extensions is an exciting project. However, one of the challenges that often comes up is integrating with external services like MetaMask, which allows users to securely store and manage their private keys. In this article, we will learn how to […]
How Blockchain Can Benefit from AI-Enhanced Risk Management
How Blockchain Can Benefit from AI-Enhanced Risk Management The use of blockchain technology has grown rapidly in recent years, and its potential applications extend beyond supply chain management and data storage, to other areas such as financial transactions and regulatory compliance. One area where blockchain is particularly well-suited for enhanced risk management is the integration […]
Solana: TypeError: Cannot use operator ‘in’ to search for ‘option’ in public key; While trying to parse transaction with debridge solana-transaction-parser
Error Explanation: TypeError Cannot use ‘in’ operator to look up ‘option’ in publicKey The error message “TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to look up ‘option’ in publicKey” indicates a problem with the code that is trying to access an element of the publicKey object. In this case, the problem is related to the @debridge-finance/solana-transaction-parser library. […]
Ethereum: How much energy will the Bitcoin network eventually consume? [double]
Ethereum: How Much Energy Will the Bitcoin Network Eventually Consume? The growing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum has raised concerns about the environmental impact of these digital assets. In recent months, a Bloomberg article highlighted the energy consumption patterns of Bitcoin and its competitor, Ethereum. While the article’s estimates are likely inflated, they […]
Metamask: How to integrate mobile Metamask or any cryptocurrency wallet with a mobile browser?
Mobile MetaMask or Cryptocurrency Wallet Integration with Your Browser A secure and intuitive interface is key when managing cryptocurrencies and mobile devices. One popular solution that has gained immense popularity is the MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet, which allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies across multiple platforms, including web browsers. However, integrating MetaMask or any […]
Kraken, Testnet, Private Sale
Crypto 101: Understanding Kraken’s Testnet and Its Implications for Investors The cryptocurrency world has seen rapid growth in recent years, with many new entrants entering the market. Among these newcomers is Kraken, a well-known exchange that offers users a variety of cryptocurrency trading services. In this article, we will delve deeper into Kraken’s testnet, private […]
Ethereum: Has anyone ported the Bitcoin software to plain C or Objective C?
Ethereum: Porting Bitcoin Software to Plain C or Objective C The Ethereum blockchain is built on top of the cryptographic system known as Bitcoin, which was created by Satoshi Nakamoto. While the Bitcoin software has been ported to various languages and platforms, including C++ and Boost, there have been attempts to rewrite the underlying cryptocurrency […]
Bitcoin: How to convert signature to DER encoded format in python
Converting an ECDSA signature to DER format in Python In this article, we will consider the process of converting an ECDSA signature from a hexadecimal string to the DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format using the ecdsa’ andhashlib’ Python libraries. Required Libraries ecdsa: for generation and verification of ECDSA signatures hashlib: for hashing and signing input […]
Ethereum: How to Change MS chart X axis to datetime
Here is an article on how to change the X-axis of an MS chart to date and time in Ethereum: Changing the X-axis of an MS chart to date and time in Ethereum As a Binance API user, you can view your Ethereum market data in various formats using the Binance client. In this article, […]
Ethereum: What are bitcoin “confirmations”?
Understanding Bitcoin “Confirmations”: A Guide to Ethereum As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you’ve probably come across the term “confirmations” when you’ve received Bitcoin or interacted with online services that support the digital currency. But what exactly do these confirmations mean? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Bitcoin transactions and explain why most websites […]