Here is an article on how to change the X-axis of an MS chart to date and time in Ethereum:
Changing the X-axis of an MS chart to date and time in Ethereum
As a Binance API user, you can view your Ethereum market data in various formats using the Binance client. In this article, we will explore how to change the X-axis of an MS (Market Sentiment) chart from candlestick format to date and time.
To use this tutorial, make sure you have installed the Binance API and obtained a Binance API key. You must also be familiar with the BinanceClient library and its methods for retrieving market data.
Step 1: Retrieving market data in date and time format
First, we need to retrieve the market data in date and time format using the client.Spot.Market.GetKlines()
method. This method returns an array of objects containing candlestick data in milliseconds since the epoch.
var candles = wait client.Spot.Market.GetKlinesAsync(
Symbol: "ETHUSDT", // Ethereum network symbol
Interval: 60 * 1000, // 1 minute interval
Limit: 1000, // limit the number of candlesticks to retrieve
Step 2: Convert the candlestick data to datetime format
We need to convert the candlestick data from milliseconds since the epoch to datetime format using the custom DateTime
constructor. This is because MS chart expects datetime values, not timestamp values.
var msData = new List();
foreach (var wedges in candles)
var dt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(kline.Data / 1000);
msData.Add(new MarketDataItem
Open = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Open),
High = Convert.ToDouble(kline.High),
Low = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Low),
Close = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Close),
Volume = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Volume)
Step 3: Update Binance client to use date and time format
To update Binance client to use date and time format for MS chart, we need to make some changes to its configuration. Specifically, we set the DateFormat
property of the DateTime
constructor used in step 2.
Symbol: "ETHUSDT",
Interval: 60 * 1,000,
Limit: 1000,
DateTimeFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Putting it all together
Here is the complete code snippet that retrieves market data with datetime format and updates the Binance client to use the datetime format for the MS chart:
“` sharp
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class MarketDataItem
public double Open { get; set; }
public double High { get; set; }
public double Low { get; set; }
public double Close { get; set; }
public double Volume { get; set; }
class Program
static asynchronous mainTask(string[] args)
var candles = wait BinanceClient.Spot.Market.GetKlinesAsync(
Symbol: “ETHUSDT”,
Interval: 60 * 1000, // 1 minute interval
Limit: 1000, // limit the number of candlesticks to load
var msData = new List
foreach (var wedges in candles)
var dt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(kline.Data / 1000);
msData.Add(new MarketDataItem
Open = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Open),
High = Convert.ToDouble(kline.High),
Low = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Low),
Close = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Close),
Volume = Convert.ToDouble(kline.Volume)
var msClient = new BinanceClient();