Bitcoin core DNS arrival: Guide

In recent years, Bitcoin Core has experienced significant breaks and rebooting due to the topics of its DNS (Domain Name System) service. One of the key components that affect these interruptions so that you can become a Bitcoin core DNS seed, you need to understand how this process works and which factors affect the inclusion in the list.

What is DNS seed?

DNS seed is a set of public keys that are used as a source of truth to solve domains on the Internet. In the case of the Bitcoin core, its DNS seed is responsible for solving Bitcoin-related domains. The seeds are stored in a decentralized node network and anyone can ask for access to these seeds in exchange for cryptocurrency.

How does the process work?

Here is an overview of the process:


Do core housing add to the reputation of DNS seed?

Ethereum: How does one become a DNS seed for Bitcoin Core?

Usually the answer is no. The Bitcoin core group does not actively or trust as a factor when choosing and adding nodes to the DNS seed list. Instead, the process is based on purely technical checks:

However, it should be noted that some nodes may decide to add themselves to the DNS seed list if they have a strong reputation in the community. This may be due to many reasons such as:

How to add a node to the DNS seed list?

If you want to become a Bitcoin core DNS seed, you must follow these steps:

4 Public key.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be added to the list of nodes that are part of the Bitcoin Core DNS seeds. Note that this process is usually automated, so you do not need to actively control or monitor the inclusion in the list.


Becoming a Bitcoin core DNS seed requires basic technical information and willingness to participate in the community. By following these steps and understanding the process, anyone can promote Bitcoin’s decentralized DNS service smoothly. Note, however, that adding yourself to the list is not an invitation to participate in the development or administration of the Bitcoin core project itself.


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